Gun Control: Punishing Good Americans and Empowering Criminals

On May 25, 2022, a lone, deranged gunman in Uvalde, Texas, decided to inflict unimaginable pain upon the children at Robb Elementary School. Nineteen children were stolen from their families, in addition to two adults. In yet another example of senseless violence, the community of Uvalde was forever changed. Our hearts and prayers will continue to be with the families devastated by this unthinkable act of terror.

We as a nation should be offering our condolences, helping the people of Uvalde find strength and solace in the face of tremendous suffering. And yet, as is always the case, heartless politicians seized on this tragedy as an opportunity to steal the rights of law-abiding Americans. The bodies had not even been accounted for before the media, anti-gun politicians, and the anti-gun lobby called for more gun control.

“How many more children have to die?” A threat that follows every single tragic act of terror in our schools. Leftist politicians have one goal in mind: a society where law-abiding Americans do not have guns. For them, the only solution is fewer guns. “We need commonsense gun control,” they say, insinuating the answer is obvious. “No one needs an AR-15.” We have yet to see a single one of these shootings committed by a sane, rational, ordinary person. But, for these politicians, the solution is to further prevent good, honest Americans from protecting themselves.

Having guns is to protect from threats, from individual gunmen and governments alike. Good Americans do not commit these heinous acts, yet it is good Americans that pay the price for their actions. The Left genuinely believes that we as a nation would solve the problem if we just made ALL guns illegal. But they are prey to their emotions, and the politicians know this. They feed on it, and never are emotions more powerful than after an act of terror, as seen in Uvalde. They sincerely believe that no one but the government, and by extension, criminals, should have guns. Ask our friends in Australia how handing over their firearms turned out (hint: the COVID-19 camps were NOT voluntary).

Our question to the Left is straightforward; how many more children must die before we provide security and empower teachers to protect their children?

We have armed guards at all of the places we have valuable things: banks, sporting events, concerts, federal buildings, state buildings, and wherever else people gather. So, why not at schools? Even today, our State Capitol is highly fortified and was even more protected after the violent George Floyd riots. Are our children not important enough to provide the same level of security as a bank or a Rockies game? Are politicians more valuable than our kids? Anti-gunners attack conservatives for “not caring about children” and then refuse to make any actual change that could help. They reveal that their only concern is their crusade against an inanimate object – guns. The goal of the anti-gun Left is clear: abolish the Second Amendment.

Anti-gunners “don’t want to live in a country that needs to protect its children with guns,” acknowledging they would rather deny reality than make concessions that would save the lives of our most valuable resource, our children. It takes a really mentally broken human to commit these acts of indiscriminate terror, and few exist that fit this category. The suggested solutions are background checks and Red-Flag laws, but these will not solve anything. First, background checks already occur prior to virtually every firearm(s) purchase. Expanding this will have no impact, seeing as how both the Buffalo and Uvalde terrorists were able to pass background checks. The more significant issue is so-called “Red-Flag” Gun Confiscation laws. They are a clear-cut violation of due process, meaning our rights are further stripped. They are ineffective, as there were signs before both instances, and New York already has the laws in place. But more importantly, they mean choosing between getting help for mental health issues and keeping your rights. If the left thinks this means more people, not less, will seek help for their problems, they are ignorant of human nature. Yet, their response continues to be punishing the law-abiding citizens for the actions of demented terrorists. We cannot allow the rights of good Americans to be determined by predatory criminals. Guns are an inevitability, and it is impossible to keep them out of the hands of “those that shouldn’t have them.” Therefore, we must do everything we can to encourage those surrounding our kids daily to exercise their Second Amendment rights in the classroom.

There are few injustices greater than advertising that children in school are defenseless. The joy anti-gunners take in creating “gun-free zones” is sickening when you realize this is just a sign to criminals that their potential victims cannot fight back. In a perfect utopia, guns wouldn’t be necessary, and we would all exist peacefully, spreading love and compassion. Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal utopia. And since America is not the only country that produces guns, they will never go away. It is impossible to prevent those that “shouldn’t” have guns entirely; the only answer is to empower good, law-abiding Americans to learn how to safely and responsibly exercise their Second Amendment freedoms.

The unfortunate reality only reinforces that the Uvalde police failed in their “duty” to protect. While it is still unclear just how much of their errors in responding are due to negligence or a lack of training, one thing is obvious: we cannot rely on the government alone to provide for our safety. The police can only reactively respond to terrible situations; they have little power to prevent criminal acts. The Left will claim that only law enforcement should have guns. In that case, law enforcement would have to be able to respond the very instant they are needed. Otherwise, it is unjust to tell a law-abiding American that they are not allowed to carry with them the means of defending themselves or their family. As it is undeniable that the government cannot protect from violent crimes, the only rational response is to empower the American people to safely, responsibly, and effectively exercise their Second Amendment rights.

The Bill of Rights speaks to the fact that America was never supposed to be a “gun-free zone,” despite the best efforts of cunning politicians. As such, we have a duty to encourage as many of our fellow Americans as possible to exercise their right to bear arms. It is no surprise that the party of government expansion and COVID-19 lockdowns wants the citizens to be disarmed. But this country was founded on the idea that the people must always have the means to fight back against tyranny. The Left will use fear and emotion to twist the narrative around guns. No matter how often anti-gunners use children as a pawn for political gamesmanship, we will never bend a knee and let them strip away our Second Amendment freedoms as guaranteed in our Constitution. Our founding principles demand that we stand firm against all attempts to rob us of our rights. Now is no different than any time before.

Please join our staff in prayer for the victims of this tragedy, and join us in preparing for the onslaught of gun control that will be soon to follow.