Stop Biden's Radical Agenda! | Sign No red Flag Gun Confiscation

About Texas Gun Rights

How is TXGR different from other groups?

We know there is no shortage of organizations claiming to protect and defend the Second Amendment (and we’re not arrogant enough to tell you we are the ONLY No Compromise gun rights organization that exists — there are a few good groups on the national level).

But Texas Gun Rights is the largest No Compromise gun rights group in Texas — and we will never accept political excuses or make shady backroom deals to Negotiate Rights Away. 

The rights of gun owners have been slipping away over the past few decades thanks to access-based gun lobbying organizations that sell out gun owners and liberty lovers for political expediency and personal gain.

This very establishment is infamous for giving cover to squishy Republicans in Texas after killing pro-gun legislation like Constitutional Carry, also known as permit less carry.

Let me be clear: without the members and supporters of Texas Gun Rights, Texas would NOT be a Constitutional Carry state today.


But “No Compromise” isn’t just a hollow slogan for Texas Gun Rights.

While other so-called “No Compromise” groups were quick to settle for a diluted Constitutional Carry bill to rack up an easy “win,” it was an amendment drafted by TXGR’s legal team (and offered by bill author Matt Schaefer) that guaranteed HB 1927 was transformed from a watered-down “compromise carry” bill — allowing municipalities to “opt-out” of Constitutional Carry — to a strong, permitless carry law that would be applied across all of Texas.

While the final product still isn’t perfect for Texas Gun Rights’ standards, it was greatly improved thanks to the relentless support of TXGR members and supporters.  

That’s how Texas Gun Rights is different from the rest; we aren’t looking to pass half-measures that may be impossible to fix down the road — or propping up weak-kneed politicians who are unwilling to fight unapologetically for your rights.

With that sentiment, and with more than 500,000 Texans that have taken our calls to action since 2014, Texas Gun Rights has grown to become the LARGEST Texas-based gun rights organization fighting for your Second Amendment-protected rights without compromise!


TXGR Mcnutt

Chris McNutt


Chris McNutt is the pro-gun voice for more than 500,000 members and supporters of Texas Gun Rights. Serving as President, Chris is leading the charge to restore every law-abiding Texan’s right to keep and bear arms.

Since joining TXGR in 2016, Chris has been a stalwart advocate for Constitutional Carry legislation, which he helped pass in 2021.

After helping stop Governor Abbott’s push for “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation laws and appearing on the cover of TIME Magazine’s “Guns In America” issue in 2018, and exposing the Texas Speaker of the House as a charlatan for gun rights in 2019, Chris McNutt has become a prominent face for the gun rights movement in Texas.

Kyle Rittenhouse

Outreach Director

Kyle is a staunch advocate for the Second Amendment and is widely recognized for his acquittal in 2021 after defending himself during the 2020 riots.

With notable interviews by prominent figures like Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump Jr., and Charlie Kirk, Kyle has effectively voiced his perspective on national platforms.

Beyond his advocacy, Kyle is passionate about enhancing his skills at the shooting range and spending quality time training his beloved dog, Milo.

His commitment to self-defense rights has also led him to speak at multiple universities, educating students on the crucial role of campus carry and the enduring value of the Second Amendment.

CJ Grisham, Esq

Legal Counsel

As a former U.S. Army Counterintelligence Agent and founder of Open Carry Texas, CJ’s passion for defending liberty and the natural rights protected by the Second Amendment have turned him into a force to be reckoned with in Texas Politics.


Barry Arrington

Chairman of the Board

Barry is a seasoned attorney practicing civil litigation in the state and federal courts, non-profit law, and Constitutional law with focus on the First and Second Amendment freedoms.


Joe Neville

Board of Directors

Joe is a veteran of the United States Navy and brings a wealth of experience in politics and business management. Joe has served as senior staff for several political campaigns, state legislative staff, and as Vice President of Political Operations for National Association for Gun Rights.



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