RMGO ALERT: The battle starts now!

RMGO ALERT: The battle starts now!

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Your IMMEDIATE action is needed!

I have warned you about the mandatory firearm storage requirements bill that would force law-abiding gun owners to place all of their firearms in a storage compartment when “not in use.”

Additionally, I have advised you of the Required Gun Owner Registration bill. This bill creates a list of gun owners who have reported their firearms lost or stolen.

As you could imagine, we STRONGLY OPPOSE both of these gun control schemes, as they are both reactionary measures that DO NOT save lives and directly infringe on our Second Amendment rights.

With this said, I need you to take action and join us in opposition to HB21-1106 Mandatory Firearm Storage Requirements and SB21-078 Required Gun Owner Registration (Lost/Stolen Firearms).

There are a few things you can do right away.

  1. Come to the Capitol and testify. HB21-1106, Mandatory Firearm Storage Requirements, will be in committee Monday, March 1st at 1 PM, and SB21-078, Required Gun Owner Registration via lost/stolen firearms, will be in committee March 4th at 1:30 PM.
  2. Submit Written Testimony or Testify Online. If you can’t make it on the 1st or the 4th, please at least agree to submit written testimony or testify live online. You can click here to view all of your online options.
  3. Sign a petition. If you have been around RMGO for more than a few months, you know one of the most effective ways to get involved is to take action via signing a petition. Below you will find a link to both petitions.
    a. CLICK HERE to sign your “Stop The Lock Up Your Safe Bill” petition now.
    b. CLICK HERE to sign your “Stop the Gun Owner Registration Bill” petition now.
  4. Do it all! As you know, this year is pivotal for our Second Amendment rights in Colorado. By signing a petition and testifying against both bills, it puts us in a much better position to kill any anti-gun scheme coming our way.

I am counting on you, and our state is counting on us.

Join me in fighting back. I hope to see you at the Capitol on Monday.

For Freedom,

Taylor Rhodes
Executive Director

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Dear Patriot,

The 2021 Colorado State Legislature is underway, and we already have several bills that we are monitoring, advocating for, and fighting against.

You can check them all out on our Official RMGO Bill Watch page.

Now, you must understand a few things.

Capitol Insiders are telling me these aren’t all the gun bills we will see in the 2021 session.

In fact, it is very likely we see a bill that introduces a five-day waiting period to purchase a firearm and maybe even a California-style “Assault Weapons” ban.

But, it’s not all bad news.

These same people have informed me that a bill is being drafted (and gaining traction) that would allow Colorado citizens to complete the Conceal Handgun Permit process online.

Now, this is a long way from an ideal world of Constitutional Carry, but it’s a very good start…especially in our current political climate.

Of course, we will always support legislation that makes it easier for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families.

With all this said, are you ready for the fight?

I can promise you this year won’t be easy, but we can’t back down…too much is at stake.

Now, I know you have stood with us for a long time, and I can’t imagine you bailing on us now.

But I have to ask, are you still with us?

Your contribution of just $5 or $10 will let me know that you are with us in the fight.

So, I encourage you to chip in now.

Together, I believe we can restore Colorado to the state it once was.

For Freedom,

Taylor Rhodes
Executive Director

P.S. The Legislative Session is underway, and this could be one of the biggest fights we’ve been in since 2013.

There are multiple gun bills on the table, good and bad, that we must take action on.

So I have to know…are you ready to fight?

A contribution of just $5 or $10 will let me know you are with us no matter what comes our way.

So click here to chip in now.
