The Leftist Agenda in 2022

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How gun owners can be prepared to fight back against their schemes

Author: Taylor D. Rhodes
Title: Executive Director


Today, the 73rd Colorado General Assembly started their Second Regular Session in the shadow of one of the vilest legislative sessions in Colorado history — 2021.

And gun owners must be ready.

It’s now time to batten down the hatches and prepare for a wave of assaults on our Second Amendment rights.

Anti-Gun Democrats hold near supermajorities in the House and Senate

Anti-gun Democrats successfully rode a “blue wave” in 2020 and have established near supermajorities in both chambers of the legislature. This allowed one of the most heinous anti-gun legislative sessions in Colorado history – six anti-gun measures were signed into law by Governor Jared Polis.

That brings the current balance of power in the House to 41 Democrat-held seats and 24 Republican seats. In the Senate, anti-gun Dems currently hold 20 seats, while Republicans remain in the minority holding 15 seats. 

Democrats in both chambers will use the 2022 Legislative Session to craft sweeping gun control with their majority grasp of the Golden Dome.

Who Will Lead their Unconstitutional Charge?

While gun owners can still count on pro-gun champions like Patrick Neville (R-Castle Rock), who consistently sponsors pro-Second Amendment legislation, to fight tooth and nail for the right to keep and bear arms, Senator Stephen Fenberg and rabid anti-gunner Representative Tom Sullivan will do everything in their power to stop the pro-gun caucus and advance horrible gun control legislation.

Fenberg, who will retain his position as Senate Majority Leader, and Tom Sullivan has been tapped to vice-chair the Business Affairs & Labor Committee.

Both Fenberg and Sullivan have virulently anti-gun records – and both have held closed-door meetings, mapping out their gun-grabbing agenda.

In fact, Tom Sullivan has sponsored or co-sponsored nearly all of the anti-gun bills that have been passed in recent history, and he will undoubtedly introduce more anti-freedom legislation when afforded the opportunity.

Democratic Anti-gun Plans

Democrats say they will pass the most aggressive gun-control legislation in decades — plans they recently renewed in the aftermath of a ‘mass shooting’ in Boulder and Lakewood.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners will monitor and aggressively lobby against the upcoming legislature for anti-gun legislation such as:

*** BANNING so-called “Ghost Guns.” A so-called “ghost gun” ban would effectively force government control over firearms manufactured privately in the home. We predict this bill will open the door to having the government micromanage every conceivable part and accessory that can be swapped on or attached to a firearm;

*** BANNING so-called “assault weapons.” This would make commonly owned semi-automatic rifles illegal to sell or buy;

*** REQUIRING background checks and a NEW TAX to buy ammunition. Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser is vocally pushing for a bill that would REQUIRE all law-abiding citizens to submit to a BACKGROUND CHECK to buy a box of ammunition. That means every box of .22 or 12 gauge shells you buy will require you to pay an ADDITIONAL TAX to complete the background check;

*** Raising the age to purchase a firearm to 25. Anti-gun extremist State Representative “Commie Tommy” Sullivan, the sponsor of the “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation scheme, has floated the idea he would introduce legislation to raise the legal age to purchase a firearm to 25 years old;

*** Further restrictions on concealed carry and firearms ownership. Colorado’s status as a “shall issue” concealed carry state is on the chopping block. Open carry could be banned, and law-abiding citizens wishing to own or carry a firearm could be forced to register all guns and buy outrageous insurance coverage;

*** REQUIRING firearm liability insurance for all gun owners. Anti-gun Democrats have spoken about the idea to require “firearm liability insurance” for all gun owners. This would effectively be an additional tax to deter gun ownership;

Thankfully, pro-gun Republicans have pledged to sponsor pro-gun legislation such as Constitutional Carry and the repeal of the Gun-Free School Zones Act.

With their impending legislative agendas looming, it is of the utmost importance that pro-gun Republicans in BOTH chambers stand firm and attempt to block and amend every piece of gun control that heads their way.

It’s up to grassroots gun activists, like us, to continue lobbying their House and Senate members, reminding that anti-gun actions during the legislative season will come with consequences come the upcoming 2022 election season.

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